Innovation project assistance

From ideas to new products and services

Innovation project assistance. How?

Innovation project assistance, my passion. With an eye for you and your people I create new energy, through innovation of processes, products and services. Together we follow the steps of the TWNQL model: first we return to the core. We start with ‘why’. What exactly is the innovation challenge at hand? What is the challenge behind the challenge? From there we go through every step of the innovation process. 

The starting point of the process is flexible. We can take on the complete innovation project. It is also possible to work in modules or even stand alone workshops and coaching sessions. 

TWNQL’s role can vary accordingly. E.g. as a coach, facilitator, trainer, jester or projectmanager.  

TWNQL innovation methodThe TWNQL innovatie method is based on Design Thinking with inspiration from the Lean Startup  Method and Lateral Thinking. These are all proven methods used world wide to coach complex change, improvement and innovation projects. 

Design Thinking is a practical method to solve complex problems. Problems that cannot be solved by our usual lineair thinking. This could be internal problems and also external (client or other stakeholder related) problems.

Design Thinking is a blend of ‘heart (intuition and creativity), head (ration and analysis) and hand (just do and experience)’. Depending on the stage of the process one has more emphasis than the other, however, during the whole process the cooperation of these three is crucial. It requires an holistic approach, multidisciplinary teams and a complete confidence from the top of the organization towards the challenge that are being worked on.  

Focus on the customer 

Design Thinking starts with a sincere focus on the human being behind the challenge. You are exploring to gain insights which may reveal new and undiscovered ways of seeing regarding the challenge at hand. Key is that the one you are solving the problem for ‘knows’ best which direction the solution should take. 

Based on these insights the perceived challenge or problem will be reframed. Then solutions will be created by means of creative thinking techniques (based on Lateral Thinking) on the reframed challenge. These will be translated to prototypes and testes by the target group. 

These last steps (making a prototype and testing) are fast iterating steps: experimenting, making mistakes, learning and adjusting the prototypes. The better the solutions fits and is being accepted, the more successful (high value) the final solution (product, service or process) will be. 

Human beging, a focus towards doing, experimenting and learning are key elements of Design Thinking.

Successful innovation by excellent organization of innovation

Furthermore, I use learnings from years of experience as an innovation manager and general manager in which I was responsible for growth of people, teams and companies. At innovation project assistance social innovation is an important element. Social innovation means how do you organize innovation and what people need to do that. Furthermore, it is about what behavior is needed, what does it mean for teams and how can they develop this behavior.?

TWNQL makes use of an extensive laeding network of professional partners. Experienced people in the fields of Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Creative thinkers and personal – and team leadership experts.  

Practical and result-oriented

The TWNQL Method is a holistic and practical approach that is best described as:

  • Powerful balance between analysis and intuition. 
  • Direct attention for the customer. 
  • Creative thinking power and co creation as an important source. 
  • Focus on solving the problem and result-oriented. 
  • Do, Do, Do. 
  • Experiment, test, validate and learn. 
  • Strong attention to personal- and team leadership. 
  • A proven approach by using Design Thinking, Lean Start up and Lateral Thinking.

TWNQL result

  • Valuable knowledge and insights from and about customers. 
  • Determined which innovation challenges you really face. 
  • innovation pipeline filled with many valuable concrete ideas and concepts. 
  • Cultivated entrepeneurial behavior.
  • Created a culture with room for creativity.  
  • Innovation approach embedded in your organisation. 
  • Creation of self empowered teams with highly effective problem solving skills.  

Twinkle in your eyes?

After reading this, do you have twinkles in your eyes? Are you curious where your organization stands with regards to innovation power? Take the TWNQL Innovation readiness test!

Recipe for success

There are no easy answers or a recipe for success. For each question, organization or situation we will determine together where to start with the TWNQL innovation method. Curious? Do you want to set out to create great new products, services and processes? Contact us now!

More information about Innovation Power and Business Creativity?

Ready to innovate?

Assess in just 10 questions the innovation potential of your organization and discover specific innovation opportunities. Do the Innovation Potential Check now!